Current and back issues may be purchased at Printed Matter Inc. site or at the book store (195 Tenth Avenue New York, NY 10011)
From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be FREE! #144
Editor and Publisher: Mia Feroleto
Contributors: Jihad Abdulmumit, Alaa Albaba, Amiri Baraka, Rehaf Al Batniji, Reem Alnatsheh, Mia Feroleto, Samar Ghattas, Chris Hedges Ahmed Hmeedat, Haya Kaabneh, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Ati Maier, Lucio Pozzi, Mazin Qumsiyeh, Jamie Stern-Weiner, Ahmad Thaher, Allicette Torres, Amir Toumie, James Tunney, Annie Wenger-Nabigon
Let the Walls Come Tumbling Down:
Free Political Prisoners Now! #143
Guest Editors: Paulette Dauteuil-Robideau and the Jericho Movement
Editor and Publisher: Mia Feroleto
Wounded Knee: Healing the Heartbeat of America #142
Edited by Mia Feroleto
Contributors: Peter Champoux, Mitch Epstein, Mia Feroleto, Aaron Fitzgerald Miller, Elaine Goodale Eastman, David Grau, Kevin Killer, Owen Luck, Madeline McCullough, Alessandro Martire , Laurent Olivier, Chief Henry Red Cloud, Robbie Robertson, Annie Wenger-Nabigon, Keri Pickett, Alex White Plume, John Willis, Wendell Yellow Bull, Darien and Lane Young Man
Step Right Up!
The Circus Comes
to Town #141
Guest Editor: Brenda Zlamany
Contributors: Eric Aho, Rhona Bitner, Katherine Bradford, Bread and Puppet Theater, David Cohen, Camilla Fallon, Mia Feroleto, Barbara Friedman, Donna Gustafson, Bobby Hedglin-Taylor, Julie Heffernan, Phoebe Hoban, Cassandra Joseph, Deborah Kaufmann, Walt Kuhn, Oskar Schlemmer, Barry Schwabsky, Everett Shinn, Elizabeth Streb, Brenda Zlamany
The Rudolf Steiner Lens in the 21st Century #140
Guest Editor: Elana Freeland
Publisher and Editor: Mia Feroleto
Contributors in this issue include:
Atmani, Owen Barfield, Michiko Bresnihan, Liane Collot d'Herbois
Mia Feroleto, Elana Freeland, Michael Givens, Janette Jacobson
Sheila Phelps Johns, Andrea Lyman, Karen McPherson,
Michael McPherson, David Newbatt, David O'Hagan, Arild Rosenkrantz, Barbara M.V. Scott, Farah Marie Velten, Larry Young
Occupying the Economy:
A Fresh Look at What The 1938 To 1945 Economy Can Tell Us About
The Future of America #139
Publisher and Editor: Mia Feroleto
Guest Editor: Stephen Paul Miller
The Extended Moment: The Photography and Writing of Ray Grasse #138
Publisher and Editor: Mia Feroleto
Contributors in this issue include: Elizabeth Avedon, Mia Feroleto,
Ray Grasse
Caught in the Dark Net of Our Own Past - Breaking Free of What Holds Americans Hostage #137
Publisher and Editor: Mia Feroleto
Contributors in this issue include: Capucine Bourcart, Lisa di Donato, Madelaine Farr, Mia Feroleto, Elaine Forrest, Undine Groeger, Karen Gunderson, Julie Heffernan, Monroe Hodder, Isolde Kille, Karen Kirshner, Sueim Koo, Salem Krieger, Ati Maier, Catherine Maziere, Stephen Paul Miller, Leonard Peltier, Lucio Pozzi, Barbara Rachko, Xavier Roux, Mira Schor, Charles Seplowin, Regina Silvers, Allicette Torres, James Tunney, Farah Marie Velten, Virginia Wagner, John Willis, Brenda Zlamany
Consciousness and Contact - The Awakening #136
Publisher and Editor: Mia Feroleto
Contributors in this issue include: Joan Bird, Laura Bruno,
Peter Champoux, Tobian Ecklan, Mia Feroleto, Richard Fox,
Elana Freeland, Ray Grasse, Joe Krawcsk, Jeffrey Mishlove,
Lucinda Laughing Eagle Morel, Michele Rinne, Leah Poller,
Rachel Portesi, Lucio Pozzi, Daniel Rothbart, Norman Anton Sollie, Rudolf Steiner, Alan Steinfeld, Sev Tok, James Tunney,
Alfred Lambremont Webre, Annie Wenger-Nabigon
The Pine Ridge Reservation: Prisoner of War Camp #135
Publisher and Editor: Mia Feroleto
Guest Editor: Robert N. Felix
Contributors in this issue include: Cindy Catches, Mark Charles, Mary L. Collins, Cultural Survival, Mitch Epstein, Robert N. Felix, Mia Feroleto, Richard Fox, John Fusco, Insight Photography, Chase Iron Eyes, Robert Looks Twice, Joanna Malinowska, Leonard Peltier, Keri Pickett, Dana Thompson, Edward Valandra, Annie Wenger-Nabigon, Charmaine White Face, Alex White Plume, John Willis
Guest Editor: Peggy Cyphers
Contributors in this issue include: Suzanne Anker, Katherine Bowling, Amanda Church, Nicolle Cohen, Elisabeth Condon, Ford Crull, Peggy Cyphers, Steve Dalachinsky, Dan Devine, Debra Drexler, Emily Feinstein, Jane Fire, RM Fischer, Kathy Goodell, Julie Heffernan, David Humphrey, Terra Keck, KK Kozik, Marilyn Lerner, Jill Levine, Linda Levit, Judith Linhares, Pam Longobardi, Darwin C. Manning, Michael McKenzie, Maureen McQuillan, Stephen Paul Miller, Lucio Pozzi, Archie Rand, James Romberger, Christy Rupp, Mira Schor, Judith Simonian, Lawre Stone, Jeffrey C. Wright, Brenda Zlamany. Read full version here
≠Reality: The Transgression of Fact
Publisher: Mia Feroleto
Editor: Leah Poller
Contributors in this issue include: Elysabeth Alfano, Jayson Amster, Ben Barson, Marnie Benney, Adriano Berengo, Alberto Bisin, José Luis Corella, Antoine Desjonquères, Lisa Di Donato, Magdalena Gómez, Mafe Izaguirre, Salem Krieger, Chun Wan Li, PhD, Wei Ligang, Lu Mei, Vik Muniz, Mario Murua, Maria Giovanna Musso, Leah Poller, Nidra Poller, Lyle Rexer, Judy Rosenblatt, Naomi Rosenblatt, Federico Salvitti, Steve Schapiro, Lisa Streitfeld, Dorathea Thompson, Pang Yongjie, and Silvio Wolf. Read full version here
Consciousness and Contact
Editors: Mia Feroleto and Alan Steinfeld
With special contributions by Ananda Bosman, Kevin Briggs, James Lee Byars, David Cottrell, Mia Foreleto, Marilyn Gewacke, Maria Gilissen Broodthaers, Bruce Duncan and Bina 48, Frída Kristín Gísladóttir, Alex and Allyson Grey, Karen Gunderson, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, John Harrison III, Norie Huddle, Erika Knerr, Phoenix Lindsey-Hall, David Louis, A. Kirke Morgan, Philippe Petit, Lucio Pozzi, John Red Cloud, Jennifer Stein, Alan Steinfeld, Whitley Strieber, John van der Does, Tomma von Haeften, Fumiko Wellington… Read full version here
Industrial Hemp
Superhero/Savior of Humanity
Published & Guest edited by Mia Feroleto
With special contributions by Will Allen, Steve Allin, Terry M.Boyd, David Bronner, Michael Carus, Ignacio Cisneros, Alli Cloyd, ben Droz, Mitch Epstein, Marcus Grignon, Glenn Goldberg, Karen Gunderson, Heather Jackson, KK Kozik, Mike Lewis, Alex White Plume, Michael Reif, Jeffrey Silberman, Lucy Slivinski, Sally J. Smith, Joel Stanley, Eric Steenstra, John Trudell…Read full version here…or... Order here
Guest edited by Pedro A.H. Paixão
With special contributions by Giorgio Agamben, Matilde Campilho, Emanuele Coccia, Alexandre Conefrey, Bernardo Simões Correia, Emanuela De Cecco, Alessandro Di Pietro, Joana Escoval, Donna Ferrato, Toni Hildebrandt, Jean-Luc Nancy, Alexandre Nodari, Yasmil Raymond, Isabella Rodriguez, Fabián Ludueña Romandini, Jorge Leandro Rosa and Veronica Stigger, and also with work by Bas Jan Ader, Paulo Brighenti, Berta Ehrlich, Nan Goldin, Jean-Luc Moulène, Rui Moreira, Bruce Nauman, António Poppe, Cindy Sherman and André Vallias … Read full version here or Order here
The Way Of Art On The Loose
Edited by Joshua Selman
With special contributions by Robert Barry, Mark Bloch, Buckminster Fuller, Lance Fung, General Idea, GLOVE, Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, Erika Knerr, Alison Knowles, Layman Lee, Larry Miller and Sara Seagull, Hannah Higgins, Jessica Higgins, Gaia, Lucio Pozzi, John Roloff, David Shapiro, Kiki Smith, Alex Stern, Sarah Sze, Lucja Wasko-Mandes, Ryszard Wasko…Read more here or Order here
The Cultural Traveller’s Guide
This is the twentieth anniversary issue of New Observations. The theme of “The Cultural Traveler’s Guide” offers a compilation of artists reflecting on their favorite places.
Edited by Diane Karp
Contributors include Eve Andrée Laramee, Lucio Pozzi, Nancy Spero, Lucy Lippard, Gary Indiana, Carlos Andrade, Todd Ayoung, and Adrian Piper…Order here
Organic Logic
Guest edited by John Roloff & Mark Bartlett
This issue features contributions by Sharon Daniel, Paul DeMarinis, Howard Fried, Linda Fleming, John Kriedler, Rhodessa Jones, Suzanne Lacy, Bernie Lubell, Jim Melchert, Pamela Z, Eric Raymond, Paul Spudich, Richard Stallman, Mark Thompson, and Ann Wettrich…Order here
The Art is in the Mail(ing)
Edited by FaGaGaGa (Mark & Mel Corroto)
The editors bring together mail artists from around the world. Including essays by: Vittore Baroni, Mark Bloch, Alex Cheek, John Held, Jr., Honoria, Musicmaster, Clemente Padin, Mark Pawson, Stephen Perkins, Clive Philpot, Barry Pilcher, and Reid Wood; as well as many images…Order here
Guest edited by Justin Melkmann
With contributions by Cooper, Dame Darcy, Debbie Drechsler, Phoebe Gloeckner, Jamesmith, Heather McAdams, Eric Powell, Adrian Tomine, Penny Van Horn, Crazy Glenn Wernig, and Jim Woodring...Order here
Mug Shots - Performing Personae
Guest edited by Saul Ostrow
With contributions by Tina Barney, Patty Chang, Cody Choi, Tseng Kwong Chi, Renee Cox, Anne D'Alleva, Robin Adele Greeley, Lyle Ashton Harris, Amelia Jones, Nikki S. Lee, Yasumasa Morimura, Aura Rosenberg, Claude Simard, Laurie Simmons, Steven Spretnjak, Tony Tasset, Hannah Wilke and Neil Winokur…Order here
In this issue editor Gene Kraig explores the very personal theme of imprisonment. After her husband was convicted of a crime and sentenced to two years in prison, she immersed herself with art about prisons and prisoners.
Contributors: Margaret Bodell, Cynthia Manning Crosby, Joan Damankos, Mary DeWitt, Todd Gilens, Jane Gillooly, Simon Grennan & Phyllis Kornfeld, Arthur Keigney, Gene Kraig, Troy Richards, Nina Rosenblum, Christopher Sperandio, Richard Torchia, Peter Waite, and David Wojnarowicz…Order here
Of Hermes and History
In this issue editor Todd Ayoung collected works based on the concept of “Hermes and History,” “a metaphor for the carrier and translator of information who writes the world through communication, creating dialogue, (either conflictual or consentual) crossing place, reconfiguring words, and in this context, offering visual art in exchange for space.” The works here exhibit both historical and modern aspects and perspectives, often existing as fragments of both pieced together into a new whole.
Contributors: Herman Asselberghs, Jim Costanzo, Henry Du Moulin, Rainer Ganahl, Johan Grimonprez, Interim Sites, May Joseph, Carsten Juhl, Janet Koenig, Jun Ozaki, Dean Sakamoto, Gregory G. Sholette, Allison Smith, Fatimah Tuggar, Sergio Vega, Brian Wallis, and Fred Wilson…Order here
A Memory Palace
In this issue editor Charlie Citron delves into memory, inspired by Jonathan Spence’s The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci, which tells the story of the 16th Jesuit monk who taught Latin memory techniques in China. The artists explore a range of memories, from personal recollections and historical anchors to the influence of memory and identity in art.
Contributors include: Caro Bensca, Anna Best, Stefan Bohnenberger, Denise Carvalho, Sylvia de Swaan, Daniel Dewaele, Jårg Geismar, Bernhard Geyer, Susanne Greven, Peter Haffenden, Jennie C. Jones, David Mills, Ann Rosen, Keiko Sei, Sandi Slone, artists statements by Leo, Douglas Allsop, and Siobhan Davies collected by David Lillington, and others…Order here
Cultures of Cyberspace
Editor Alan Sondheim collected texts about the Internet with images chosen as a counterpoint – “they reflect spaces and bodies that are effaced, occluded, ghostlike” (“Populating Cyberspace” by Alan Sondheim). The contributions look at various spaces on the Internet as well as the then current state of cyberspace, on the cusp of the major boom – when had not yet made profits.
Contributors include: Laurie Cubbison, Alexanne Don, Jerry Everard, Amy Fletcher, Radhika Gajjala, Eve Andree Laramee, Nick Mamatas, Jon Marshall, Caitlin Martin, Michael W. Spirito, John Suler, Ryan Whyte, and others.
Images by Robert Cheatham, Emily Cheng, Janieta Eyer, Nancy Haynes, Hokusai, Ichi Ikeda, Fanny Jacobson, Eve Andree Laramee, Kim McGlynn, Barbara Simcoe, David Smith, Tyler Stallings, Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, and Thomas Zummer, among others…Order here
Editor Erika Knerr saught a contemporary approach to “an infinitely old subject” in this collection of works on fertility. Contributions include literal identifications with fertility, creation imagery, infertility, reproductive technologies, germination, all attempting to evade the clichés of fertility seen in such places as 1970’s feminism and new age religion.
Contributors: Les Ayre, Elena Berriolo, Fabian Cereijido, Lars Chellberg, Sandro Chia, Abraham David Christian, Colette, Peggy Cyphers, Elena Del Rivero, Chris Hammerlein, John Hatfield, Elana Herzog, Jessica Higgins, Mary Judge, Eva Mantell, Shelley Marlow, Suzanne McClelland, Thomas McEvilley, Ann Messner, Richard Milazzo, Senga Nengudi, Reynolds, John Roloff, Sarah Schwartz, Teresa Serrano,Berta Sichel, Joslin Stevens, Barbara Stork, Christina Svane, Vulto, Faith Wilding…Read full version here…or…Order here
In this issue editors Lucio Pozzi & Bradley Rubenstein explore their concept of TEACHART: speaking of teaching and art as well as the more mystical “Tea Chart.” Pozzi states, “Despite the substantial difference between a regulated tradition such as the tea ceremony and the anarchistic developments of modern art, art nowadays has become similar to the tea ceremony in its complete yet structured lack of utilitarian purposes.” Rubenstein writes more specifically about the importance of teaching art and hints that perhaps the roles of artists and pedagogue are inherently linked.
The issue also includes works, statements, and essays by Joseph Beuys, Angiola Churchill, Barbara Flug Colin, Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Harmony Hammond, Ike Hobbs, bell hooks, Joan Jonas, Mike Kelley, Karen Kimmel, Jeff Koons, Robert C. Morgan, Michael Rees, Mira Schor, Blake Stimson, Claude Wampler, Lilly Wei, as well as an interview with Sezer Aykan by Peter Halley…Order here
Death and the Will to Live
Nearing the end of a millenium, editor Theresa Chong brought together a collection of works focusing on Death and the Will to Live. The magazine includes an appendix of Korean translations of the texts.
Contributors: Gregg Baker, Christina Bothwell, Michael Brennan, Luca Buvoli, Duccio, Mark Harris, Damien Hirst, Jim Hodges, Beom Kim, Heejung Kim, Sang Nam Lee, Eric Magnuson, Robert C. Morgan, Bruce Nauman, Nam Jun Paik, Javior Pinon, Lucio Pozzi, Archie Rand, Gust Vasiliades, Lilly Wei, Mark Zimmerman, Yannis Ziogas…Order here
Artists on Art
In the midst of threats to the National Endowment for the Arts and art funding in general, Diane Karp edited this issue of artists on the state of the arts.
Contributors: Polly Apfelbaum, Jeff Asencio, Susan Bee, Andrew Boardman, Kimberly Burleigh, Lynn Cazabon, Peggy Cyhers, Ana de Portela, Amy Ernst, Jim Feast, Geoffrey Hendricks (Sur), Stuart Horodner, Erika Knerr, Sue Johnson, Eve Andree Laramee, Marcia Lyons, Francesco Mariotti, Claire McConaughy, Richard Milazzo, Steve Miller, Robert C. Morgan, Brian C. Moss, Joseph Nechvatal, Saul Ostrow, Senga Nengudi, Valery Oisteanu, Stephen Perkins, Lucio Pozzi, Jill Rapaport, Kevin Riordan, R.A. Robboy, Sur Rodney (Sur), Catherine Sand, Mira Schor, Ilka Scobie, Carol Shadford, Alan Sondheim, Nancy Spero, Stephen Spretnjak, Chrysanne Stathacos, Suzy Sureck, Tara Suzuki, SuperSkyWoman (aka Coco Go aka Coco Gordon), Maciej Toporowicz, Maureen Wong, Jody Zellen…Order here
Popular Metaphysics
Guest Editor Andrew Boardman: “Millennial urgings, public obsessions with the end of time and history, and the resurrection of enchanted realms have seemingly supercollided to form what might be called popular metaphysics. As diversely popular subjects as they are, the X-Files, deep ecology, miracle sightings, Psychic Friends, and science’s re-apprehension of the cosmos all have in common a newly shared belief in the meta of physics - that beyond the material world there exists a spirited and structured universe greater than our current consciousness can absolutely ascertain.”
Contributors in this issue: Diti Almog, Michael Ashkin, Gregory Barsamian, Xu Bing, Kimberly Burleigh, Nigel Freeman, Melissa Gould, Carol Jackson, Ken Johnson, Nicole Keys, Rick Lee, Sharon Lockhart, Sean Mellyn, Mary More, Quentin Morris, Michael Oatman, Bruce Pearson, Raymond Pettibon, Ruth Root, Pauline Stella Sanchez, David Serlin, Carol Shadford, Gary Simmons, Lukasz Skapski…Order here
Guest Editor: Stuart Horodner
Contributors in this issue: Bradley Rubenstein, Ida Applebroog, Fabian Marcaccio, Kay Rosen, Jean Michel Basquiat, Stephen Spretnjak, Laura Stein, Sue Johnson, Judy Linn, Francois Morelli & Didier Morelli, Hannah Wilke, Marcia Lyons, Jeanne Silverthorne, Fischli & Weiss, Walter Murch, Robert Feintuch, Pietro Costa, Andres Serrano, Glenn Ligon, Nancy Burson, Wayne Moseley, Lisa Yuskavage, Mira Schor, Larry Miller, Richard Klein, John Goodyear, Rona Pondick, Hans Bellmer, Tim Hawkinson, Curtis Mitchell, Lucy Grealy, Jack Whitten, Shelley Reeves…Order here
Ripple Effects: Painting and Language
Guest Editors: Susan Bee & Mira Schor
Contributors: Christian Schumann, Amy Sillman, David Reed, Jane Hammond, Rochelle Feinstein, Mira Schor, Julia Jacquette, Kay Rosen, Pamela Wye, Susan Bee, David Humphrey, Kenneth Goldsmith, Faith Wilding, Lucio Pozzi, Richard Tuttle, Tom Knechtel…Order here
Voyeur’s Delight
Guest Editors: Grace Roselli & Barbara Rusin
Contributors: Michel Auder, Ariane Lopez-Huici, Shelagh Keeley, Sarah Schwartz, Dr. Danielle Knafo, Charles Yuen, Aimee Morgana, Jocelyn Taylor, Molly Blieden, Barbara Pollack, Jane Dickson, Susan Leopold, Julia Scher, Ian Grey, Jeff Asencio, Joseph Nechvatal, Maciej Toporowicz, Chrysanne Stathacos, Tessa Hughes-Freeland, Ela Troyano, Robin Lowe, Andrea Scrima, Sophie Calle, Alan Sondeim, Janine Gordon, Lee Gordon, Juliana Luecking, Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt, Bob Anderson, Linda Montano, Dike Blair…Order here
Solar Art
Guest Editor: Holger Drees
Contributors in this issue: John O'Mara, Michael Glasmeier, Christina Kubisch, Helga de la Motte-Haber, Kazumasa Mitsui, Maike van Stiphout, Shlomo Koren, Ulrich Westerfrölke, Shigenobu Yoshida, Francesco Mariotti , Klaus Geldmacher, David Cranswick, Cameron Robbins, Holger Drees, Beth Fields, Avital Geva, Richard Thomas, Charles Ross, Hitoshi Nomura, Catherine Clover, Thomas Schönauer, James Darling, Andrew Holloway, Charles Citron, Sabine Russ, Stefan Becker…Order here
Art in the Folds
Guest Editors: Elena Berriolo & Roland Flexner
Features in this issue include: “Passing the Marcelling Test with a Cold Iron” by Dominique Nahas; “From Fold to Fold” by Polly Apfelbaum; “Unfolding the Image: Gilles Deleuze and Film Theory” by David Ward. Other contributors include Josefina Ayerza, Gregory Volk, Saul Ostrow, Nancy Rubins, Peter Halley, David Reed and Terry Winters, among others…Order here
The City as Mnemonic Device
Editors: Jim Feast, Kevin Riordan & Nhi Chung
Features in this issue include: “Filmed Temporality: Hong Kong in the 90s” by Jim Feast; “Prague-New York: A Tale of Two Palimpsests” by Michael Carter; “Gulag for Granite” by Nin Ascoly; “Persephone’s Garden” by Sharon Mesmer. Other contributors include Jordan Zinovich, Tsaurah Litzky, Susan Scutti, Dave Mandl and Joe Maynard, among others…Order here
Pilgrims & Pop Pioneers
Edited by: K.K. Kozik & Cindy Tower
This issue explores the notion of the quest, with features including: “Post-Ideological Pilgrims: On the Road 1995” by KK Kozik; “The Rephotographing of the Mountain of the Holy Cross” by JoAnn Verburg; “Brooklyn Queens Expressway Study Project” by David Wells; “Jackson Pollock, Hero” by Hovey Brock. Other contributors include Cindy Tower, Jennifer Blessing, Karmen MacKendrick, Randall Morris and Peter Phillips, among others…Order here
On Doubling
Edited by: Godzilla
Features in this issue include: “Gojira vs. Godzilla” by Todd Ayoung; “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Linh Dinh; “Beyond Doubling, A Landscape of Identity: A Space of Multiplicity” by Maureen P. Wong; “Towards a Biculturalist Practice of Art History” by Bert Winther-Tamaki. Other contributors include Chingyu Sun, Mitsuo Toshida, Shirin Neshat, Noc Tanigawa and Allan deSouza, among others…Order here
Edited by: Valerie Oisteanu
Features in this issue include: “Bookworks: Toward the New Millenium” by Valery Oisteanu; “Fluxus Artist’s Books” by Geoffrey Hendricks; “The Neo-Dada Diaries” by John Evans. Other contributors include Gellu Naum, Ira Cohen, Paul Grillo, Coco Gordon, Amy Ernst and Ilka Scobie, among others…Order here
Incarnations: The Trappings of Scale
Editor: Paul Dickerson
Features in this issue include: “Incarnations: The Trappings of Scale” by Paul Dickerson; “Haitian Studio Photography” by Marilyn Houlberg; “Diao Redux” by Saul Ostrow; “The Death of the Actor” by Vik Muniz. Other contributors include Dan Walsh, Jennifer Bolande, Richard Milazzo, Julio Galan, Serge Spitzer, Carl Andre, Agnes Denes, among others…Order here
Edited by: Michèle C. Cone
Features in this issue: “Expatriation, Homelessness and Modernity” by Michèle C. Cone; “A Story About a Culturally Relocated Person” by Ilya Kabakov; “The Secret of Permanently Living Out of Suitcases” by Peter Nagy; “Changing Places, Crossing Borders” by Joan Rabascall. Other contributors include Roxy Walsh, Claudia Hart, Joseph Nechvatal, Michel Gérard and Jochen Gerz…Order here
Edited by: Ana de Portela
Features in this issue: “Salt Transfer Cycle Video” by Michael Joo; “Happier Days” by Christopher Roth and Franz Stauffenberg; “The Television Gallery: The Idea and How it Failed” by Stephan Dillemuth; “Video Art Inquiry” by Peter Fend; “Toys are U.S.” by Mark Dion. Other contributors include Chris Hoover, Rick Giffith, Liam Gillick, Sean Landers, Cheryl Donegan, Jason Simon, Benjamin Weil, Clemens Weiss, Edgar Honetschlaeger, Christopher Kondek, Art Club 2000, Marcia Gygli King, Elke Krystufek, Richard Hoeck and Thomas Irmer…Order here
Construction in Process
Editor: Suzy Sureck
This double issue contains writing and photographs from and about the fourth “Construction in Progress” event held in Lodz, Poland in 1993. Contributors and featured artists include Emilie Brzezinski, Lawrence Weiner, Sofia Zezmer, Kenneth Goldsmith, Peter Downsbrough, Yigal Ozeri, Laszlo Kerekes, Allen Ginsberg, Wenda Gu, Gregory Volk, Hartmut Bohm, and Sol Lewitt, among others…Order here
Copy Culture
Edited by: Stephen Perkins & Lloyd Dunn
Features in this issue: “Introduction, Copy Culture: Barbarians in the Copy Shop” by Stephen Perkins and Lloyd Dunn; “Cultural Subversion ” by Frank Moore; “Cheap Memes: Zines, Metazines, and the Virtual Press” by Mark Frauenfelder; “Plagiarism: The Truth in Doubling” by Mark Palmer. Other contributors include Vittore Baroni, Peggy Cyphers, Laurence Roberts, Dissemination Network, T.S. child, Al Ackerman, Reed Altemus, Knickerbocker, Piermario Ciani, Antonio Nelos, Franz John and Jean-François Robic…Order here
Multiple Choice
Edited by: Susan Kandel & Jody Zellen
Features in this issue: “Mothers and Anti-Mothers” by Susan Kandel; “Re:productive Rights” by Andrea Liss; “If Men Could Get Pregnant…” by Amelia Jones. Other contributors include: Laura London, Lutz Bacher, Laura Howe, Laura Parker, Brian Moss, Michelle Hirschborn and Tricia Todd…Order here
Guest Editors: Harry Mathews & Lynn Crawford
This issue is devoted to Oulipo, or Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle, a group of writers, artists, and mathematicians working within constrictive forms. Work by members of the group (including Noel Arnaud, Jean Dewasne, Georges Perec, Raymond Queneau, Jacques Roubaud) appears along with work by Americans who employ similar practices to Oulipo (includes Lynne Tillman, IN.S.OMNIA, Maggie Paley, Jerome Sala, John Yau)…Order here
Glitz&Grit-The Fine Arts/Crafts Connection
Guest Editor: Wyatt Osato
Contributions by Kirsten Hawthorne, Scott McDowell, Gary Akavickas, David Tisdale, Rob Barnard, Mary Baro, Dennis Nechvatal, Peggy Johnson, Michael Gross, Frank Lewis, Alice H. Klein, John Perreault, Mark Newport, Lou Cabeen, Darrel Morris, Susan Skinner, Jeff Perrone, and Michal Ann Carley…Order here
Guest Editor: Adrian Piper
Contributions by: Senga Nengudi, Sam Gilliam, Calvin Reid, Lorraine O'Grady, Richard J. Powell, Raymond Saunders, Lowery Stokes Sims, Howardena Pindell, Ikemefuna Okoye, Houston Conwill, David C. Driskell, Mary O'Neal, Kellie Jones and David Hammon…Order here
Home Kinks
Guest Editor: Mike Topp
Contributions by: David Humphrey, Joe Brainard, Sue Williams, Erik Satie, Jean Michel Basquiat, Ron Padgett, Janes Schuyler, William Wegman, Paul Violi, Jessica Diamond, Giogio De Chirico, Raymond Pettibon, Gregory Crewdson, Hal Siorwitz, Curtis Mitchell, Raymonde Lionssier, Dominique Dibbell, David Lynch, Richard Prince, Amy Yamada, and Sherrie Levine…Order here
Performance Pages
Guest edited by: Martha Wilson
Contributions by: Na'Imah Hasan, the Blue Man Group, Billy Curmano, Genqui Numata, Coco Fusco, Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Nigel Rolfe, Frank Moore, Lambs Eat Ivy, William Pope L., Alastair MacLennan, the V-Girls, Ichi Ikeda, and Vito Acconci…Order here
Guest editor: Joseph Nechvatal
Contributions from: Tina Potter, Peter Nagy, Carl Fudge, Marco Mazzucconi, Tobey Crokett, Christof Kohlhofer, Susan Conde, Charles Borkhuis, Arthur Kroker, Marilouise Kroker, Philip Pocock, Carter Hodgkin, Bradley Dros, Jeanne Liotta, Miguel Chevalier, Thomas Bayrle, Dider Gagneur, Curtis Anderson, Matt Mullican, Steve Miller, Trousseau, Robert C. Morgan, Michelle C. Cone, Kiki Smith, Gertrude Stein, Gian Carlo Pagliasso, Peter Kogler, Jean-Luc Aubert, Michel Maffesoli, and Joel Otterson…Order here
Exact Fantasies
Guest editor: Tracy A. Smith
Contributions by: Rise, Vito Acconci, Mark Dery, Claire Pentecost, Geoffery O'Brien, Peter Mortlock, Rammellzee, Duncan Smith, Arne Svenson, David Ebony, Stephen Bertrand, and Catherine Stine…Order here
Art and Politics in Los Angeles
This issue is guest edited by: George Herms
With contributions by: Ed Bereal, Tosh Berman, Jeffery Vallance, Jerry Katx, John Di Stefano, Llyn Foulkes, and Donald Fergusson…Order here
Mittel Europa: Artists speak on the Arts in Central Europe
Editor: Nina Czegledy
Features in this issue: “An Epoch of Transition: The Metamorphosis of Central Europe” by Nina Czegledy; “The Beginning of the Last Moment” by Sanja Ivekovic; “Art + Politics = No Art/No Politics” by Calin Dan; “The Reinforcement of the Center” by Janos Sugar; “How I See the Change of Identity of Artists in Central Europe After the Disintegration of the So-Called Socialist Bloc” by Juraj Michalek; “Advantages of Being Independent” by Ryszard W. Kluszczynski; “The Lack of Identity as a Post-Post-Communist Originality” by Luchezar Boyadjiev; “I-D Panthers” by Laszlo Laszlo Revesz; “Night Notes with a Pain in the Back” by Nedko Solakov; “On Cultural Identity” by Laszlo Beke; and “The Balance” by Jurgen Ast…Order here
The Joy of X: Exploitation, Sexploitation and other lowlife thrills of the American cinema
Edited by: David Cook
Features in this issue: “The Culture of Exploitation” by David A. Cook; “Exploitation Films: Something Old, Little New, A Whole Lot Borrowed and Always Blue” and “Gary Graver: Film History Footnote and Exploitation Auteur” by Hugh Merrill; “Caring Too Much: The Films of Doris Wishman” by Philip E. Oppenheim; “William Castle (1914-1977): Exploitation as Promotion/Promotion as Art” by S.M. Vortex with David A. Cook; “The Culture of Exploitation and the Prisoner-of-War Film” by Barbara Mortimer; and “Guilty Pleasures in Hitchcock’s The Lodger” by Eric Guthey…Order here
Below Texas - Below the Equator
Editor: Berta Sichel
Features in this issue: “At the U.S. and Mexican Border” by Ursula Beimann; “From the South” by Laura Buccellato; “Latin America: The Critique of Pure Identity” by Hector Jaimes; “The Latin American Problem and Latin America as a Problem” by Carlos Zilio; “Street Theater in Peru” by Malgorzata Oleszkiewicz & Grady Hilman; “The Modern Conscience and the Great Return” by Ana Maria de M. Belluzzo; “Being America or What’s in an Accent” by Alan West; as well as some poetry by Nicanor Parra and many images…Order here
1492 New World Women 1992
Editor: Karen Atkinson
Features in this issue: “Because of Aunt Adeline” by Pat Ward Williams; “Tales of Desire” by Karen Atkinson; “Ave Maria Purisima (Enlightenment #8)” by Celia Muñoz; “Dangerous - Desirous - Deadly” by Deborah Small; “Pendant Bell with Eagle Warrior” by Armando Rascon; “Earthly Paradise” by Kerr and Malley; “Unknown to Herself: The Mad Housewife” by Kirsten Aaboe; “Drawings and Quotes” by Maria Fernanda Cordoso; “Demilitarized Desire” by Yong Soon Min; and “License My Roving Hands” by Alice Joanou…Order here
Instant Classics
Editors: Steven Kane & David L. Ulin
Contributors: Holly Anderson, Bill Anthony, Mariona Barkus, Hakim Bey, John Biggs, Suzy Brown, Peter Cherches, Grey Crawford, Russell Crotty, Susan Daitch, Connie Deanovich, Emergency Broadcast Network, Thomas Fuchs, Jim Goad, Mike Golden, Samantha Grisdale, John W. Hart III, Jennifer Joseph, Brian Kane, Stephen Kane, Ron Kolm/David Sandlin, Sebastian Matthews, Patrick McGrath, Richard Meltzer, S.A. Griffin, Mike Oatman, Michael Randall, Mary Sharkey, J.M. Spahr, Michael Stephens, Mike Topp, David Trinidad, David L. Ulin, Scott Wannberg, Carol Wendt, Daniel Wheeler, and Tom Zummer…Order here
On the Care and Feeding of Musical Culture
Editor: Martin Bresnick: “The five authors in this issue each address, in their own way, strategies for the creation and preservation of the music of the planet.”
Features: “Rethinking the ‘Classical’: Guiseppe Verdi and Other European Advocates of Cultural Diversity” by John Brown Childs; “Charles Louis Seeger: A Muse for a New Musicology” by Taylor Greer; “Postmodern Aftermath” by Nikolas Kompridis; “Sound the the ‘Other’” by Michael Tenzer; “Who Listens if You Care” by Evan Ziporyn…Order here
Editing Detroit
Guest editors: James Cathcart, Frank Fantauzzi & Terence van Elslander
This issue is dedicated to Detroit, Michigan. Through photographs, maps, statistics and personal essays, the editors and contributors prove that “Detroit is the most thoroughly edited city in America.”
Contributors include: Jean-Claude Azar; Jeanine Centouri; Mary Douglas; Harah Frost; Jesse Goode; Martin Tite; Simon Ungers; Michael Williams…Order here
Edited by: Frederieke S. Taylor
“Alchemy, the ancient science of transforming material, has been a source of inspiration for artists through the ages and, even in our age of high technology, continues to fascinate the creative mind … [It] has served both as an inspiration and a metaphor for the creative process.” (from editor Frederieke S. Taylor’s introduction)
Features in this issue: “The Computer as a Contemporary Philosopher’s Stone” by Charles Luce; “Alchemy and Suffering” by Ann McCoy; “Gold, Scum and Involuntary Throes” by Yolande McKay; “The Petrified Self” by Larry Miller; “Marcel Duchamp and the Chymical Wedding” by Alastair Noble; and “My Alche My” by Lucio Pozzi.
Other contributors include: Edward Batcheller, Joseph Beuys, Mel Chin, Jane Hammond, Eve Laramee, Gordon Matta-Clark, Jackson Pollock, Sigmar Polke, and Louis Sciullo…Order here
South Africa: Crossing the Artistic Divide
In this issue editor Keith Adams brings together South African artists examining the rebirth of their country. From drawings, photographs, and sculpture to poetry and essays about language, filmmaking, and theater, the contributors share both vision and concern for their country.
Contributors include: Joan Baker; Mervyn Davids; Lionel Davis; Sandile Dikeni; Garth Erasmus; Charlton George; Albert Hess; Abduraghien Johnstone; Rashid Lombard; Jimi Matthews; Vanessa Solomons; Hein Willemse…Order here
Response to War
Edited by: Stephen Paul Miller & Bruce Brand
In this special double issue editors Stephen Paul Miller and Bruce Brand bring together a range of poems and pieces and excerpts from larger works by artists responding to the Gulf War.
Contributors include: Juana Alicia, Laurie Anderson, Conrad Atkinson, John Cage, Tory Dent, Peter Fend, Allen Ginsberg, Leon Golub, Guerrilla Girls, Laban Carrick Hill, Jasper Johns, Jerry Kearns, Sabu Kohso, Eva Mantell, Taylor Mead, LucioAd Reinhardt, Shivaji Sengupta, Andres Serrano, Nancy Spero, Martha Wilson, Nina Zivancevic, and many others…Order here
Terra Firma
In this issue editors Elizabeth Ferrer and Muffet Jones and contributors discuss artists who examine the relationship of humanity and nature, showing a range of approaches to “green art.”
Features in this issue: “Fetish, Process, and the Waste-Stream: Artists’ Anxieties and Contemporary Art” by Muffet Jones; “Selected Writings of Robert Smithson” by Eugenie Tsai; “Breathing Space for the Sava River” by Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison; “Inventing Wilderness: The National Parks” by Eve Andree Laramee; “The Forest Itself Is a Politial Statement: A Conversation with Alan Sonfist” by Joseph R. Wolin; “Espiritos Sanus in Terra Sana” by Regina Vater; “Embodying Earth: Eugena Vargas Daniels” by Elizabeth Ferrer. Also included are works by Ashley Bickerton and Joan Fontcuberta…Order here
Sex and Death
Editor: Dorothy Cross
“I live in Ireland, a country which glorifies death while sex is repressed and hidden. The United States, on the other hand, glorifies sex and death is denied. I have invited artists from both Ireland and the U.S.A. to contribute here. The practice of art contains dynamics of both desire and death; one is promised, seduced and disappointed simultaneously such that meaning and lack of meaning confirm each other.” (from editor Dorothy Cross’s introduction)
Features: “Cowboy S-M” by Jimmy Durham; “Sex and Death and the Paintings of Brian Maguire” by Fintan O'Toole; “Guidelines for Sex in the 90’s” by Annie Sprinkle; “God’s Thousand Days: Sex, Death and Transcendence in the Art of Michael Tracy” by William Wisner; “I Feel a Vague Nausea” by David Wojnarowicz; as well as works by Pauline Cummins, Leon Golub, Gran Fury, Jaki Irvine, Loring Mcalpin, Adrian Piper, Cindy Sherman, Nancy Spero, and Kathy Prendergast…Order here
Leningrad: Paradoxes of Isolation
Edited by: Selma Holo
In this issue editor Selma Holo and contributors pay tribute to the unofficial artists of Leningrad, an underground movement born out of the isolation of artistic tyranny in the Soviet Union. “The most rewarded of Soviet artists, whether painters, poets or composers, were charged with fulfilling the propaganda needs of the Communist Party … Any member [of the Artists’ Unions] who was willing to depict Socialist imagery, ‘scenes of factories, collective farms, patriotic wars, straining muscles, outstretched arms, tired smiles, dialectical optimism’ was charted for success.” The unofficial artists produced work, even though it could never be shown or printed or performed legally.
Features include: “The Unofficial Artists of Leningrad: A Brief History” by Tatyana Shekter; “The Other Artists: Inventors/Alcoholics? Dissidents? - The Early Years: 1950-1970” by Constantin K. Kuzminsky; “The Artists Speak” by Barbara Hazard; “The Uncertain Future for Soviet Unofficial Artists” by Jennifer Cahn; as well as other essays by Fred Croton, Edward Goldman, Selma Holo, Andrei Khlobystin and Alla Mitrofanova…Order here
The Temptation of Saint Antony
Edited by: Tim Rollins & K.O.S.
This issue is devoted to the work of Tim Rollins and K.O.S. (“Kids of Survival”), Rollins’ students at a South Bronx high school with developmental and behavioral disabilities.
Contributors: Carlos Rivera, Nelson Savinon, Annette Rosado, Nelson Montes, George Garces, Jose Parissi, Richard Cruz, and Brenda Carlo…Order here
Quick Bites
Edited by: Christine Armstrong
This issue of New Observations is the first to be devoted entirely to short stories; the six pieces are by students at college writing programs across the country. They are accompanied images from the Fabric Workshop apprentice program in Philadelphia.
Features: “Hymns and Miracles” by Tracie Burt; “Over the River” by Ellen L. Stein; “Excerpt: Mose Konen/Woman of the Bog” by Alison Armstrong; “Come out Laughing” by Sara K. Stadler; “Nothing by Accident” by Christine Armstrong; “Crying Room” by James A. Bolin…Order here
Navigating in the Telematic Sea: Yo Dana, Hi! Hank
In this issue editor Bruce Breland collects essays and artwork about interactive and tech-based art and artist groups in the early 1990’s.
Features: “Art and Technology and Children” by Sarah Dickinson; “Parallels Between Telematics and Holography as Artforms” by Eduardo Kac; “Reflections on Information Space” by Dana Moser; “Beyond Time-Based Art: ESP, PDP, & PU” by Roy Ascott; “Constructing Electronic Space” by Anna Courey; “Global Frontiers for Art” by Lowery Burgess; “Notes on Fax-Art” by Karen O’Rourke; as well as various digital images, a collection of works by the Digital Art Exchange Group, and a sampling of texts and slow scan TV images from the Art Com Electronic Network…Order here
The Mood of Our Time
Edited by: Ginevra Bompiani
“These essays were written and collected some time ago, in 1988 and ‘89. Can something so delicate and fragile as a mood withstand time? For a year, two years?” (from editor Ginevra Bompiani’s introduction)
Features: “On Humors and Moods” by Alfonso Berardinelli; “Weariness of Mood” by Alexander Garcia Duttmann; “Bartleby Writes No More: Minimum Ethics for the Freedom Not to Be” by Giorgio Agamben; “Another Time” by Jean-Luc Nancy; “Vices Put to Work” by Paolo Virno; “After Angst: Fear is Our Guide” by Massimo de Carolis; as well as images by D.M. Bourneville & P. Regnard, Raymond Depardon, Hugh W. Diamond, Mario Merz, Bruce Nauman, Mimmo Paladino, Cindy Sherman, and George Tooker.
Most essays in this issue were translated from Italian or French…Order here
Erotics of Time
Edited by: Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe & John Johnston
In this issue the editors present the concept of Erotics of Doubt: “That there is no demonstrable relationship of a straightforward kind between the works of art and poems etc. goes without saying. The critical essays we have collected together here have nothing in common except a shared reluctance to see the world in terms of the certainty provided by essentialist models.” (from the introduction)
Features: “Body Count” by Susan A. Davis; “The Refrain of Being and Meaning: Analysis of a Dream About A.D.” by Felix Guattari; “Erotics of Doubt” by Norman Bryson; “Duchamp, Gender, and the Radical Alternative to Modernism” by Amelia Jones; “The Erotics of Doubt: Hirsch’s Kisses” by John Welchman; as well as images by: Sarah Charlesworth and Linda Roush…Order here
In this issue editor Joseph Masheck and contributors explore the meeting points between art and religion, from architecture to artists influenced greatly by religion.
Features include: “Catholics and Pictures” by Otto Mauer; an interview with Richard Artschwager, designer/maker of portable altars in the 1950’s; “Religious Imaginaton and the Artist” by Meyer Schapiro; “The Spiritual in Kandinsky” by Peter Fuller; “Barth, Tillich and Abstract Expressionism” by John Dillenberger; “After Imagination” by Richard Kearney; “Gregory Amenoff” by Diane Karp; “Notre Dame de Town and Gown” by Joseph Masheck; as well as images of works by Alfonse Borysewicz, Louise Fishman, Jack Goldstein, Nancy Haynes, Kiki Kogelnik, David Ortins, Paul Rotterdamn, Gary Stephan, Richard Artschwager, and Bill Viola…Order here
The Heart versus the Mind in Art and Sociology
Editor Stjepan G. Mestrovic brings together this issue with the idea that “contemporary sociology suffers from an excessive emphasis on the ‘mind’ characteristic of modernity, even a certain ‘heartlessness.’” (from the introduction)
The features include: “An Unlikely Meeting of the Vienna School and the New York School” by Eugene Rochberg-Halton; “A Late Southern Summer” and “Aftermath, for My Sister” by Cathy Ann Wasson; “An American Epiphany in Nashville” by Eugene Rochberg-Halton; “Beyond Justice and Legitimation: Interpersonal and Communicative Morality.“…Order here
Interactivity: Here to Stay
Editor: Regina Cornwell
In this issue the editor and contributors delve into interactive art, “from design and architecture on a large scale to a small scale of video imagery in standard analog form to digital graphics.” (from Cornwell’s introduction)
Features include: “Paradoxes of Interactivity” by Timothy Binkley; “Michael Kalil’s Electronic Pavilion: Rethinking and Reliving Space” by Regina Cornwell; “Double You (And X, Y, Z)” by Peter D’Agostino; “Metropolis” by Bob Rosen; “Expanding Interactive Media by David Rosen; “An Interactive Cinema: Time, Tense, and Some Models” by Grahame Weinbren. Most essays are accompanied by stills or diagrams…Order here
Guerrilla Girls
Edited by: Guerrilla Girls
This issue, is a collection of their print and poster projects featuring statistics on women’s status in the art world that simultaneous to the publication of this issue were appearing on New York City buses and streets…Order here
The Monster’s Mother: The Makings of Women’s Theatre in Italy
In this issue editor Dacia Maraini, co-founder of Teatro la Maddalena, brings together essays and interviews about women’s theaters in Italy during the 1970’s and 1980’s.
Features include: Interviews with Mariella Grande, Dacia Maraini, and Gigliola Fantoni Scola; personal essays by Frida Aimme, Piera Angelini, Hanja Kochansky, Giustina Laurenzi, Myrthia Schiavo, and Rosa Maria Storzini; as well as photographs of theater groups and performances…Order here
Painting’s Radiance
In this issue editor Stephen Westfall and contributors address “the radiant potentialities of modern painting.”
The features include: “The Practice of Theory and the Theory of Practice” by Stephen Ellis; “Limited Immunity” by Valerie Jaudon; “On the Specificity of Painting” by Saul Ostrow; “Phil Sims” by Stephen Westfall; “À Corps Perdu: Images of the Body” by Georgia Marsh; and “Memories of Rome” by David Reed.
Also included are paintings by James Biederman, Lydia Dona, Jean-Germain Drouais, Philip Guston, Deborah Kass, Georgia Marsh, David Reed, David Row…Order here
Structure, Surface, Image, Time
In this issue editor Bunita Marcus brings together essays and scores by a group of composers that have formed in a loose collective.
Features in this issue: “Dancing in the Dark” by Kevin Volans; “Between Categories” by Morton Feldman; “All Things Being Unmeasured” by Barbara Monk Feldman; “Mutation: Some Digressions” by Wolfgang Rihm; “Random Notes from Manuscripts: 1979-86” by Bunita Marcus; “Every Drop of Sound Begins at Zero” by Aki Takahashi.
Also included or referenced are excerpts from scores by each essayist, as well as Chris Newman…Order here
Bitten by a Monkey: Satie’s Sports and Divertissments
Editor: Mike Topp
The editor and contributors pay tribute in various ways to Erik Satie and his composition Sports et Divertissements.
Features include “Sports” by John Cage, a translation of the composition as well as works by Tom Ahern, Ida Applebroog, John Baldessari, Allan Bealy, Peter Cherches, Karen Fredericks, Claudia Hart, Ron Kolm, Richard Ledes, Steve Levine, Patrick McGrath, Eileen Myles, Ron Padgett, Michael Smith, and William Wegman…Order here
Jazz Ideology in the 80’s and Beyond
Editor: Roger Riggins
Features in this issue: “The Privatization of Jazz” by Jimmy Stewart; “Article for New Observations” by Marilyn Crispell; “Jazz Ideology in the ‘80s and Beyond” by William Hooker; “Ideological Dimensions of Postmodernist Resistance to Improvised Music” by Ellen Christi; and “The Avantgarde Today: An Interview with William Parker” by editor Roger Riggins.
Images by Nancy Spero, Leon Golub, and Alberto Giacometti…Order here
Hindu Aesthetics
Editor: Grazia Marchiano
Contributors: Vincenzina Mazzarino analyzes Sanskrit poetry in “Image, Wor, Reality”; Elemire Zolla presents an overview of myths in “Celestial Lovers Empower Hindu Kings”; Fabrizia Baldissera examines dance in “Dance and the Divine”; editor Grazia Marchiano details clothing and adornments in “The Power of Ornament”; and Jean Canteins explores the concept of nothing being external in “The World Within Us.”…Order here
From the Pandemonium of the Studio to the Order of the Showroom: The Dangers of Tourism
In this issue, editor Michael Corris curates a look into the structures of the artist studio and galleries (the showroom) and how artists process their work from creation to display.
Other contributors include Dennis Adams, Artbust, Lothar Baumgarten, Arthur C. Danto, Jonathan Genkin, Information Fiction Publicite, Ilya Kabakov, Imi Knoebel, Silvia Kolbowski, Joseph Kosuth, Cornelia Lauf, Pat McCoy, John Miller, Robert Nickas, Saul Ostrow, Berta Sichel, Robert Smithson, and Julie Wachtel. Christian Besson and Franz Kaiser and Marie-Noel Rio contribute two essays in French…Order here
Homage to Origins
Edited by: Shirin Neshat
This issue brings together art and artists dealing with bi-culturalism. Editor Shirin Neshat states in his introductory essay: “The life of an immigrant manifests numerous contradictions. Often the search for a new identity within the foreign culture creates a crisis of no-identity. Once the process of adaptation occurs, one experiences an incredible sense of apathy. In exchange he has become partially stripped of his most fundamental beliefs and perceptions of the world.”
Contributors: Moi Baratloo, Dan Coma, Alfredo Jaar, Manijeh Khazaneh, Amerigo Marras, Yong Soon Min, Taeg Nishimoto, Kyong Park, Leslie Sharpe, Muscheer Siddiqi, Penelope Wehrli, and Krzysztof Wodiczko…Order here
Paracriticism 2 Dissent
Edited by: Maurice Berger
“The age of Reagan can be characterized by a myopic and heartless decline of government funding for the ever increasing ranks of desperate Americans… Rather than ignoring such social injustice (or seeing it as irrelevant), a number of artists … have chosen to act as full participants in society rather than buy into the myth of the artist as the bohemian or the dandy who lives outside the reality of class.” (from editor Maurice Berger’s introductory essay “What Does Homelessness Have to do with Art?”)
Contributors: Gran Fury, Edgar Heap of Birds, John Heartfield, Barbara Kruger, David Lurie, William Olander, Howardena Pindell, and Krzysztof Wodiczko…Order here
Shamanism 2
Edited by: Bernard Trevisano
This issue, edited by Bernard Trevisano, continues the theme from the previous issue (No. 59) of rituals and religions of various indigenous people around the world.
Features: “A Shamanistic Interpretation of Oedipus, the Hero of Pisces” by Elemire Zolla; “The Shaman’s Stethoscope” by Peter Knecht; “The Modern Salish Indians and Their Oral Traditions” by Louise Jilek-Aall; “Among the Huichole” by Beatrice Caracciolo di Forno; “Pan-Indian Opposition Mythology and Indian Renaissance in Canada” by Wolfgang G. Jilek…Order here
Shamanism 1
Edited by: Elemire Zolla
This issue explores the rituals and religions of various indigenous people, featuring editor Elemire Zolla’s essays “The Bath of the Androgyne” and “Blood and the Rainbow,” as well as “Talent for Trance: Dancing for the Spirits in Burma” by Sarah M. Bekker and “Shamanism and Siberian Rock Art” by Mihaly Hoppal…Order here
Edited by: Peggy Cyphers
The theme of this issue is “progress” and the ethical or historical problems of the term. Topics covered include colonization, bioengineering, Darwinism and conceptual art, and death.
Featured contributors include Ida Applebroog, Eleanor Heartney, Hannah Wilke, Dorothy Friedman, Ronny Cohen, Ernest F. Dube, and Oren Lyons…Order here
Art and Amusement
Edited by: Alan Moore
In this issue editor Alan Moore brings together artists exploring the amusements parks of the US: from the World Fairs of the past to Coney Island throughout the years to “amusing” art.
Contributors: Steve Barry, Richard Eagan, Tom Finkelpearl, Philomena Marano, George Melrod, Edwin Schlossberg, Emily Slaton, Don Snyder, and Laura Zelaznick…Order here
South Africa: Art at the Crossroads
Edited by: Keith Adams
In this issue editor Keith Adams brings together essays, poetry, and art by South African people to give insight into the artistic culture. “All have directly experienced the whiplash of oppression. All have confronted it. The work in this issue has a sense of purpose. Nothing is wasted. The work has a voice of its own.” (from Adams’s introductory essay)
Contributors: Kim Berman, Peter Clarke, Henry De Leeuw, Julian De Wette, Garth Erasmus, Dumile Feni, Rajen Govendor, David Hlongwane, Rudien Holman, Don Mattera, Marlene Samuel, Mario Sickle, Mavis Smallberg, and T. Phil Wakashe…Order here
International Style
Edited by: Brian Boigon
Features in this issue: “Victorian Spacing” by Brian Boigon; “Composition as Explanation” by Gertrude Stein; “Chinatown International” by Collins & Milazzo; “Domesticated Transients” by Donald McKay; “Thus Spake Zarathustra (Excerpt)” by Friedrich Nietzsche;…Order here
Ecriture - The French Mind -
Edited by: Serge Gavronsky
Features in this issue: “Interview with Julia Kristeva” and “Interview with Jacques Roubaud” with Serge Gavronsky; “Work Vertical and White” by Anne-Marie Albiach; “Go Monster” by Ludovic Janvier; “Alley of Pepper Plants in California” by Emmanuel Hocquard; “The Brooklyn Bridge” by Leslie Kaplan…Order here
Reggae KULCHA!
Edited by: Stafford Ashani
Features in this issue: “Reggae Music: Tip of the Fireberg” by Stafford Ashani; “On the Dinkie Minnie” by Louise “Miss Lou” Bennet; “The Queen of Sheba” by Farika Birhan; “In the Year of the Immigrant” by Neva Wartell; “Teach the Children the Truth” by Algie Lewis; “Africa Reggae: Theater and Dance” by Thomas Pinnock; “Rasta Now” by Homer Heron; “Litany to Queen Nyahbinghi" by Farika Birhan…Order here
Edited by: Mignon Nixon
Features in this issue: “Cosmetics, Cosmos, and Woman-skin” by John R. Stilgoe; “A New Face” and “Plastic Proteus” by Mignon Nixon; “Show and Hear” by Tina Smith. Other contributors: Brian Gulick, Sally Etta Sheinfeld, Thomas Harris, Romolo Del Deo…Order here
Consumption and the New Poverty - A Discourse on Irony and Superfluidity -
Editors: Tricia Collins & Richard Milazzo
This issue features work by: Ross Bleckner, Philip Taaffe, James Welling, Jeff Koons, Haim Steinbach, Allan McCollum, Annette Lemieux, Sarah Charlesworth, Gretchen Bender, Robert Gober, Peter Nagy, Peter Halley, Joel Otterson, and Joel Fisher among others…Order here
Sculpture and Paradise
Edited by: Alain Kirili
Featured in this issue are profiles of several artists working mostly in sculpture, including: “Alain Kirili: The Living Bodies of Statuary” by Julia Kristeva; “Jene Highstein at La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art” by Marjorie Welsh; “Louise Bourgeois” by Jean Fremon; “Matter and Spirit in Paradise: The Photographs of Ariane Lopez-Huici” by Joan Pachner; and “Humanizing Sculpture” by Stephen Westfall…Order here
The Last X-Ray Picture of Architecture
Guest Edited by: Architect Daniel Libeskind
If the theme isn’t immediately clear, the contents are not especially transparent: articles include experimental texts on spatial relations, x-rays, history, and the future.
Features: “A Textual Corporeality” by Marco Frascari, “Strategies for Soldier Boys (This is Not a Manifesto”) by Mary Alice Dixon Hinson, “Apotrope (‘To Turn Away’)” by Donald Kunze, “Briefly Noted” by Donald Kunze, “Yet-to-Be-World” by Daniel LIbeskind, “Three Love Letters From Abroad” by Frances Lonna, “Crticial Dimensions: Slide Rules for the Body” by Ben Nicholson, “Notes Towards a Personage in the Globe Theater” by Resse Reiser, “Four Simulated Texts: The Mirror Versus the X-Ray Machine” by Bruce Webb, “Architecture is Wax” by Donald L. Bates, and “Techne of Chaos” by Bahram Shirdel….Order here
Edited by: Lucio Pozzi
Features in this issue: “The Poet as Myth-maker and Shaman” by Elemire Zolla; “Chase 1, Chase 2, Chase 3” by Ann Lauterbach; “Cracks in the Street” by Felix Guattari; “Loxo-dromics, Columbus Day Observed, The Darwinist” by Tory Dent; “Muddening Clarity” by Lucio Pozzi. Other contributors: Francesco Clemente, Ross Bleckner…Order here
The Art of Artwriting
Edited by: David Carrier
Features in this issue: “Munakata in New York: A Memory of the ‘50s” by Arthur Danto; “Photography Past and Present” by Mark Roskill; “Handling Shocks” by Richard Shiff; “The Human Factor” and “Shadow of Boston, Part Two” by Thomas Nozkowski; “Landscape” by David Sawin; “One Moment One” by Ron Janowich…Order here
The Future of Hedonismn and Sports Events
Editor: Robert Morgan
Contributors:Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Allan Kaprow, Judite dos Santos, Peter Nadin, John Baldessari, Nancy Holt, Tricia Collins, Richard Milazzo, Sherman Drexler, Rosalyn Drexler, Douglas Huebler…Order here
The Fairytale: Politics, Desire and Everyday Life
Guest edited by: Curt Belshe, Ana Busto, Sarah Drury, Hilary Kliros, Lise Prown & Steven Schiff
This issue features: “A Possible Model for Fairy Tales” by Vito Acconci; “Four Ways of Looking at a Fairy Tale” by Fredric Jameson; “Coyote Comes Laughing” by Jean Fisher; “Fairy Tales” by Andrea Fraser…Order here
The Construction and Maintenance of our Enemies
Edited by: Stephen Prina & Christopher Williams
Features in this issue: “Tag!… You’re It!: If You’re Part of the Solution You’re Part of the Problem” by Barbara Blum; “Theory - The People’s Foe” by Tony Conrad; “Haiku” by Amy Gerstler/Benjamin Weissman; “Dictation” by Barbara Kruger; “‘We Are Unwilling To Start Down That Road’: *3 Vignettes” by William Olander; “Madame Realism Saw This in The Wall Street Journal” by Lynne Tillman; “Play To Play” by Robin Winters…Order here
Representation and Desire: Poetry
Edited by: David Shapiro
Contributors in this issue include: Katharine Porter, Joseph Lease, Stephen Paul Miller, Tory Dent, Laurance Wieder, Luc Sante, Marjorie Welish, Richard Horn, April Bernard, Thornton Davidson and David Shapiro…Order here
The Knowledge of
Edited by: Phillip Evans-Clark
Contributors: Philip Pocock, Andrew Martin, Kenny Scharf, Jean Baudrillard, Mark Tansey, Donald B. Kuspit, Peter Halley, Umberto Eco, Anselm Kiefer, Daniel B. Schneider…Order here
Hotel Ambos Mundos
Guest Editor: Richard Armijo
Contributions by: Manfred Gieseler, Isabel Fraire, Dona McAdams, Gerardo Suter, Cecilia Vicuna, Felix Gonzalez Torres, Stefan Eins, Nancy Chunn, Anson Seeno, Michael Carter, Ron Kolm, Art Raveson, Claribel Alegria, Raul Guerrero…Order here
Squat Theatre
Edited by: Eva Buchmuller and Stephan Balint
This issue is devoted to the Hungarian group Squat Theatre, a group of artists, designers, performers, and musicians who produced innovative performance work in Budapest until their expulsion from Hungary in 1976, at which point the group moved to New York. Features detail the group’s exploits in store-front theater, present excerpts and photographs from performances, and offer a timeline of the group’s history. Figures from the group included are Eva Büchmiller, Stephen Balint, Eszter Balint, Peter Berg, Jan Gontarczyk, Klara Palotai, and Jehnifer Stein…Order here
Life on the Floor - Art, Sport and Scam: Dance Marathons of the Twenties and Thirties -
Edited by: Carol Martin
This issue is titled “Life on the Floor - Art, Sport, and Scam: Dance Marathons of the Twenties and Thirties” and features “I Can Dance All Night” by Carol Martin and interviews with: Richard Elliot, Betty Herndon Meyer, George Eells, and Edna Smith…Order here
Language and Movement
Edited by: Mark Bobrow
Features in this issue: “The Movement in Writing” by Margaret Pierpont; “The Joyce of Choreography” by Richard Niles Bull; “Correspondances” by Susan Leigh Foster; “From an Interview with Ann Hutchinson” by Lois Draegin…Order here
Critical Thoughts
Edited by: Tiffany Bell
This issue focuses on contemporary criticism of abstract art and features: “An Introduction: Comments on Meaning in Abstract Art” by Tiffany Bell; “On Being More Than One Thing at a Time” by Allen Furbeck; “The Object of Criticism” by Barbara Savedoff; “Selections From the Journal of Myron Stout” by Myron Stout; “Artist Proof” by Christian Haub; and “Critical Question” by Steven Henry Madoff…Order here
Horses, Hegel and Film
Edited by: Gilberto Perez
Features in this issue: “Thinking About (Personal) History Lessons: The Movie Paintings of Manny Farber” by Jonathan Rosenbaum; “To Our Critics” and “Work in Sadness” by David Shapiro; “The Narrative Sequence” by Gilberto Perez; “The End of Popular Film” by William Park; “The Mandarin Canoe” by Star Black; “Hegel: On Art, Self-Consciousness, and Human Nature” by Marjorie Welish; “Mimesis and the Racing Form” by Diane Stevenson; “Before and After the End” by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe…Order here
Edited by: Maurice Berger
Features in this issue: “Labyrinths: Masters and Slaves” by Maurice Berger; “Laugh Hard at the Absurdly Evil (selection from the Survival Series)” and “More Survival” by Jenny Holzer; “On Line” by Peter Halley; “Form of Service”, “Portrait of God as a Rebellious Slave”, and “Who Changes the Lock? A Conversation with Herbert Muschamp” by Izhar Patkin; “A Simple Heart (After Gustave Flaubert)” by Sherrie Levine; “Dementia Praecox: A Note on Minimalist Space” by Mason Klein; “The Ballad of Miss Etta and Dr. Claribel” by Linda Nochlin…Order here
Not by Art Alone
Edited by: Shoshana Kalisch
This issue explores the idea “Art is not Art alone” with “stories, essays, and poetic comments by an incongruous group of writers, performers, designers and artists.”
Contributors include: Milton Resnick, Par Passlof, Jonathan Goodman, Geoffrey Dorfman, Peter Wortsman, Elizabeth Rich, Lucie Porges, Miodini, John Wykert, and Thomas Swope…Order here
Straight Lines
Editor: Kim Larsen
This issue consists of four works of “random” fiction from young New York writers: “Seeing Mrs. Thwale” by Barbara D. Feinberg; “Terrain” by Mark Bobrow; “Jump” by Kim Larsen; “Two or Three Things We Know About Her” by Peter Trachtenberg; illustrated with works by May Castleberry and Sue Williams…Order here
Guest Edited by: Frederic Tuten
The 32nd issue of New Observations Magazine contains a selection of short stories tethered to the enduring quest of courtship and its inevitable pitfalls.
This issue features the following idiom in a voice specific to Tuten’s own writing:
“Writing intent on cleansing the banal from the honest page and on making literature of intelligent beauty.”
Featured authors include: Rex Sterling, Martha Baer, Carolyn Betensky, Clifford Chase and Gabrielle Glancy…Order here
Here Come the Murgatroyds
Edited by: Gary Indiana
Contributors: Lynne Tillman, Peter Wollen, Ron Kolm, Catherine Texier, Joel Rose, Patrick Mcgrath…Order here
Edited by: Marina Urbach
This issue features works by “a group of people involved in radical irresolution”: Laurie Hawkinson, Sylvere Lotringer, Timothy Binkley, Allan McCollum, Jose Urbach, Jacques Charlier, Gwenn Thomas, and Leandro Katz…Order here
Hunger for Words
Edited by: Bob Nickas
Contributors: Robert Nickas, Terry Fox, Art & Language, Imants Tillers, Bruce Barber, Victor Burgin, Alfredo Jaar, Michael Corris, Dan Graham, Jenny Holzer, Peter Nagy, Les Levine, Muntadas, David Shapiro, Berta Sichel, Lawrence Weiner…Order here
Edited by: Carlo McCormick
This issue features essays by Peter Halley, Joseph Masheck, Joseph Nechvatal, and Walter Robinson; poems by Rodney Alan Greenblat, Peter Nadin, and Dan Cameron; and visual pieces by Barry Bridgwood, Tom Brazelton, Richard Milani, Deborah Kass, Lucio Pozzi, Jackson Pollock, Peter Nagy, and Tyler Turkle…Order here
Edited by: Lucio Pozzi
In this issue, criticism is both applied to subjects and theorized as a topic of discussion. Published at a point when “postmodernism” was spoken of with the same puzzlement that people had toward the internet in 1995, the texts in this issue are often efforts to establish just what the new terms of criticism meant, or might come to mean.
Features: “Theory? Criticism? Politics?” by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, “Thoughts in Support of Painting” by Tiffany Bell, “The Camera and the Subject” by Gilberto Perez, “Decisions–To Fernando Pessoa and Hokusai” by Lucio Pozzi, “After Art” by Peter Halley, “Painting as Give-and-Take” by Joseph Masheck, “The Lines are Drawn: Art and Architectural Drawing” by Lindsay Stamm, and an interview with Roman Jackobson by David Shapiro…Order here
Critical Love
Editor: Lynne Tillman
This issue features several works of fiction: “Scar Tissue (Games from Other Games)” by Gary Indiana; from “Haunted Houses (a novel in progress)” by Lynne Tillman; from “Significant Damage (a collection of short stories” by Margot Norton; “Die Anywhere But in a Vase” by Benjamin Weissman; “Don Quixote’s Abortion (opening pages from a novel in progress)” by Kathy Acker; “Pick-up on Eighth Street” by Kurt Hollander; “A Questionable Repast” by Cynthia Kolbowski; and excerpts from “The Reluctant Papers” by Leslie Dick…Order here
Edited by: Ciri Johnson and Sabu Kohso
In this issue, guest editors Ciri Johnson and Sabu Kohso ruminate on the concept of “play” by gathering texts from figures such as Johan Huizinga, Eugen Fink, Claude Levi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, and Deleuze and Guattari on the subject. The quotations and texts are organized into five sections: General Idea, Metaphor and Structure, Play and Performance, After Structure, and Play and War…Order here
Edited by: Linda Levit
This issue is devoted to the topic of Abstraction, in both poetry and art.
Features include: “Why I Like Abstract Art” by William Zimmer, “Arthur Dove Defines Abstraction” by Christine Burgin, “Metropolitan Enjoyment Manufactory” by James Sherry, and artworks by Sean Scully and Stephen Westfall…Order here
Gallery December
Edited by: Gerald Just
Gerald Just opened the Gallery December in Munster, Germany, in 1973 and later moved to a more spacious space in Dusseldorf in 1975. After closing the gallery due to debt, he returned to his family’s factory to work, but created a small exhibition space in the building to continue to share good art.
In this issue he documents his curatorial work in these spaces with exhibition listings and photos of works and artists…Order here
Edited by: Susan Springfield
This issue, devoted to the Berlin art scene, features: “Skin and Bones” bio-blurbs and interviews with artists Ter Hell, Anne Leva, Hermann Pitz, Marion Christ, Christoph Mauler, Walter Gramming, Dirk Lebahn, Michael Elsen, Anna Margarita Albrecht, and Arpad Dobriban…Order here
Edited by: Lucio Pozzi
“The artists presented in this issue were included in an exhibition curated by Lucio Pozzi at the John Weber Gallery June 24 - July 22, 1983”
Two pages each are devoted to the artists: Ross Bleckner, Joel Fisher, Frank Moore, Saul Ostrow, Michael Robbins, Moira Dryer, Michael Hurson, Susanna Tanger, and Merrill Wagner…Order here
Collaboration and Constructs for a New Scrutiny
Edited by: Tricia Collins & Richard Millazzo
Contributors: Carole Ann Klonarides and Aura Rosenberg, Alan Belcher and Peter Nagy, Louise Lawler and Allan McCollum, Ross Bleckner and Barbara Kruger, Gretchen Bender and Robert Chapman, Alice Albert and Stephen Parrino, Ericka Beckman and Mike Kelley, Gloria Terrible and Sohei Hashimoto, The offices of Fend, Fitzgibbon, Holzer, Nadin, Prince, Prince & Winters; ABC No Rio, Sarah Charlesworth and Robin Winters, Peggy Cyphers and Susan Springfield, General Idea, Cynthia Carlson and Rosemary Mayer, Kiki Smith and David Wojnarowicz, Phil Mariani and Brian Wallis, Judy Geib and Mark Innerst, Mike Glier and Jenny Holzer, Joan Wallace and Geralyn Donohue…Order here
Who Is Lois Weber?
Edited by: Sylvia Reed
This issue features Sylvia Reed’s “Who is Lois Weber?”, a history of the actress, screenwriter, producer, and director of silent films in the early 1900’s…Order here
Autumn Rhythm
Edited by: Jane Fire & Steve Flanagan
This issue features: drawings, collages, photographs, and other visual works by David Baker, Jody Beach, Dione Christensen, James Elaine, Jane Fire, Steve Flanagan, Augustus Goertz III, Kristin Holcomb, Mark Lineberry, Celeste Paulick, and Mark Ridge…Order here
Science Fiction
Edited by: Peter Halley
This issue was made in conjunction with the exhibition “Science Fiction” at the John Weber Gallery that ran from September 17 to October 8, 1983.
It features: Essays and artwork by contributors Peter Halley, Alan Jones, Laurie Simmons, Yura Adams, Dwight David, Ilona Granet, R.M. Fischer, Taru Suzuki, Robert Horvitz, Peter Fend, Richard Prince, Reese Williams, Robert Smithson, Jon Friedman, and Barbara Kruger, as well as stills from several movies and videos…Order here
Group Issue
Edited by: Scott Flax
This issue features: drawings, poems, and letters by contributors Mark Daley, Frank Rubino, Stephen Paul Miller, Mona Da Vinci, Michael Roscher, Michael Robbins, and Ken Deifik…Order here
Edited by: Ken Deifik
This issue features: Three poems by Kenneth Deifik: “The Focus Puller,” “The Host Cat,” and “Preposterous.”…Order here
Toy of the Evil Genie
Editor: Frank Rubino
This issue is comprised of “Toy of the Evil Genie” by Frank Rubino, a work that includes poetry, fiction, and drawings. The cover photograph is by Michael Kolomatsky…Order here
Editor: Stephen Paul Miller
This issue is devoted entirely to the piece “Dr. Shy” by Stephen Paul Miller…Order here
475 Years
Editor: Lucio Pozzi
This issue features a work of fiction by Lucio Pozzi entitled “475 Years”…Order here
Editor: Duncan Smith
This issue features numerous poems by Duncan Smith…Order here
Bruno Pinto
This issue is devoted to the writings and works of art by Bruno Pinto with hand-written text in Italian followed by a typed English translation and full-page drawings interspersed throughout…Order here
Editors: Ronny Cohen & Peggy Cyphers
Photocopied facsimile of the original. This issue is a collection of work grouped in the concept of Energism. From Ronny Cohen’s introduction: “Its pages offer the viewer/reader the pleasure of bold, immediate and intensely specific experiences of visual information.”
Contributors include: Nancy Arlen, Tom Butter, Arthur Cohen, Ronny Cohen, Peggy Cyphers, David Ebony, Cynthia Gallagher, Gerrit Henry, Deborah Kass, Kathryn Kennedy, Lucio Pozzi, Barbara Quinn, Randal Rupert, Takao Saito, Judith Shea, Leora Stewart, Robin Tewes, Gwenn Thomas, Kathleen Thomas, Peter Zabielskis, Christine Zounek…Order here
Edited by: John Shaw
This issue devotes several pages to over 40 contributing writers and artists, including: Barbara Kruger, Erik Hedegaard, Stephen Frailey, Charles Austin, Leslie Greene, James Biederman, Deborah Kirk, Eve Le Ber, Farrell Brickhouse, John Shaw, James Barteau Swank, Izhar Patkin, Judy Rifka, Lucio Pozzi, Richard Mock, Rosie Moore, Sol Lewitt, James Lurie, Walter Robinson, Dennis Kardon, Michael Harlin, Jolie Stahl, Richard Bosman, Hans D'Hollosy, Scott Pfaffman, Constance Schraft, Clay Sorrough, Steve Miller, Allan Bridge, John Morton, David Saunders, William Considine, Rena Small, David Row, John Mcevers, Louise Nevelson: an interview by James Lurie, Cindy Sherman, Pierluigi Consagra, Sandy Walker, Wendy Wood, John Bowman.
Printed Matter…Order here
That Man Who Ground Moths Into Film
Edited by: Stephen Paul Miller
Poems, drawings and selections from a play by Stephen Paul Miller.
Group Issue (Tanger, Morocco)
Edited by: Lucio Pozzi
The theme of this issue is “People met in Tanger at and after the end of Ramadan, year 1402H (1981)”
Contributions include: “Excerpts from my ‘My Art World’ Series II” by Jeanne Siegel; “A Difference in Gesture” by Emory Craig; “Some Tangier Postcards” by Frederic Tuten; “MELON-cholia in Morocco” by Dooley Worth-Beck; “A Nite of Boston Cream Pies” by Burt Hasen,
Jerry Berger, Abderrahmane Darouiche, Abdelilah En- Nassef, Jack Flam, Kay Hillman, Hamid Irbouh, Lacheb, Judith Lerner, Abdelwahed Maimouni, A Moroccan Student, Jo Mullen, Lucio Pozzi, Shelley Rice, Calvin Siebert, Several textual works are in French…Order here
De Kalb Issue
Editor: Paolo Colombo
This issue takes its focus from De Kalb, a small industrial city located near Chicago, exploring the concept of society and civilization in poems and artwork.
Contributors include: Timothy Brown, Rex Burwell, Paolo Colombo, Jim Disrud, Joseph Gastiger, Larry Gorman, Karolyn Schalk, Tom Small, Jean Swiderski…Order here
Group Issue
Edited by: Jennifer Golub
Contributors: Julie Watchel, Haim Steinbach, Paul Alexander, Frank Young, Jennifer Golub, Jaye Ballo, Steve Miller, Shelley Silver, Michael Robbins, Gina Freschet, Barbara Lipp, Tom Koken.
Narrative Painting
Editor: Lisa Zwerling
This issue focuses on a selection of artists working with “narrative and psychological realism.”
Contributors: Mike Berg, Bruno Civitico, Sue Daykin, Tom Duncan, Eric Fischl, Gregory Gillespie, Sidney Goodman, Susan Grabel, William Haney, John Laney, Michael Mazur, James McGarrell, Bill Midgette, Eva Papadopulos, Len Petrillo, Toni Siani, Richard Uhlich, William Wilkins, Lisa Zwerling...Order here
Yoshiteru Kawasaki & Sabu Kohso
Editors: Yoshiteru Kawasaki & Sabu Kohso
Contributors: Shigeru Kawada, Yoshiteru Kawasaki, Iwasaburo Kohso, Izumi Muraki, Shintaro Otsuka, Kazuko Sumi, Hideyo Takahashi, Mari Uchida, Lei Ujika…Order here
The gathering in Marocco
Editor: Peter Licht
Contributors in this first issue include: Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Micheal Goldberg, Peter Licht, Lucio Pozzi, David Shapiro, Carmen Gloria Morales, Doug Sanderson, Stephen Paul Miller, Jeanne Siegel, Susanna Tanger and Lynn Umlauf…Order here